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Why would an American president bow down to world leaders?   Why is it easy for politicians to stoke hatred for rich, fat-cat CEOs? And why do so many nations around the world hate America, the world’s lone superpower?  read more
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{ Notable Quotables }
“Obama calls himself underdog.” - - Politico, Mike Allen, October 16, 2007

“[Hillary] Clinton seeks to cast herself as underdog vs Obama.” -- Reuters, Caren Bohan, February 10, 2008

“John McCain, Reprising the Underdog Role.” - - Washington Post, Michael D. Shear, September 4, 2007

“I’m way the underdog.” -- John Edwards, NBC, January 26, 2008

“Mitt Romney: I’m the Underdog.” -- New York Times, December 13, 2007

“I like feeling like I’m an underdog.” -- Rudy Giuliani, “Rudy Relishes Underdog Role,” MSNBC First Read, January 26, 2008

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Why do politicians stand up for “the little guy” and raise a fist against big, rich powerful “fat-cats?”  Because it works. To find out why read Chapter 10 of Underdogma.

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